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Parasites like worms and their waste products can reduce food absorbtion by causing inflammation of the intestinal wall. Food might also get slowed down in digestion resulting in excessive toxins, smelly farts, bad breath and bloating. Some bloodsucking worms leave open wounds resulting in darker feces DressAfford lace coverd with long sleeve wear of the wedding

Parasites in Humans & their Symptoms - Tapeworm, roundworm, pinworms - COMPLETE information about Parasites in Humans & their Symptoms - Tapeworm, roundworm, pinworms - Hpathy Parasites in Humans & their Symptoms - Tapeworm, roundworm, pinworms - Hpathy - FULL article on Parasites in Humans & their Symptoms - Tapeworm, roundworm, pinworms - Disease Index, Gastrointestinal Diseases, Kid's Healthhpathy.com
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