1960s wedding dresses

THE TAILOR'S DAUGHTERS: I spent part of my leave at my kid sister's Kainobwisho Clare Kamukama ' s workshop. Clare is one of the best designers in East Africa. She takes after our dad who set the record as one of the best tailors of his time. He is still good. My dad made uniforms for most schools, hospitals, law enforcers among others during the 1960s, 70s and 80s. He also made cool wedding gowns and suits . My dad made his fortune out of a Sewing machine. My sister makes some of the best dresses , ladies suits, and men's African shirts. I celebrate all tailors, they do a lot to make us look great. Long live all tailors, Long live all designers and long live the inventors of the Sewing Machine. 1960s wedding dresses

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